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Because you just ordered
Unlock Your Tight Shoulders,
I have a special treat for you...

Whenever someone orders my Unlock Your Tight Shoulders program, I always give them this piece of advice:

“First, use the exercises in Unlock Your Tight Shoulders (the program you just ordered) to reshape and restore your shoulders, and release some of the pain you’ve been feeling there!

And then after that, you will be perfectly primed, and you will have the perfect foundation in place to reduce that shoulder pain EVEN MORE, and possibly even ELIMINATE it for good... BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY, you will be in the perfect position to start PROTECTING YOURSELF from future shoulder injuries, conditions, and pain, so you can make sure all of this doesn’t come back again![1]

It’s so important to make sure you are protected at this point because the shoulder is the most commonly injured joint in the human body[2], and most people don’t even know that they’re doing things every day that can cause injuries and chronic pain there.

And after you do the Unlock Your Tight Shoulders program, you are in THE PERFECT POSITION, and you have the PERFECT FOUNDATION to build up maximum protection against the many different injuries, conditions, and pain that can occur in your shoulders, including: arthritis, osteoarthritis, torn rotator cuffs, inflammation of the tendons, shoulder impingement, tendon compression, frozen shoulder, and more![3]

And to build up this important protection (and many more benefits), you only need to do 9 minutes a day (or even every other day) of easy, gentle stretching that virtually ANYONE can do it.

You might be able to tell that I’m passionate about this.

It’s because I’ve seen so many people get so many great benefits using the Unlock Your Tight Shoulders program…

...but then they stop there

...because they don’t realize how much momentum they have, and what a perfect position they’re in at that point to easily build up lifelong, maximum protection against shoulder pain and injuries, AND get so many more benefits… that are so much more powerful and more exciting!

Here are just some of the benefits you can expect
(most of which are backed by scientific research)
if you add just a few more stretches to your routine after
doing the Unlock Your Tight Shoulders program:

  • Reduce/eliminate your shoulder pain for good!
  • Protect yourself from future shoulder injuries
  • Protect yourself from future shoulder pain
  • Protect yourself from Shoulder Arthritis
  • Protect yourself from Rotator Cuff injuries
  • Avoid inflammation in your shoulder tendons
  • Avoid Shoulder Impingement
  • Avoid Tendon Compression
  • Protect yourself from Frozen Shoulder[4]
  • Reduce and eliminate back pain[4]
  • Reduce pain and stiffness in your joints[4]
  • Perform better in your other workouts[4]
  • Make it easier on your organs to do their jobs[4]
  • Improve your posture[4]
  • Feel better than you have in years!
  • And more...

Here’s the SECRET to getting all of those additional benefits and protection… (but don’t be scared, OK?)

The secret is doing exercises that promote scapular stabilization.

But, don’t be scared by that. Scapular stabilization exercises[5] are very easy, very gentle, and can be done very quickly, by just about anyone! And they can protect you from so many different types of shoulder pain and injuries, which is why they’re so important!

The scapula is a fancy name for your shoulder blade, and it’s like the “core” of your shoulder. Most people know what the “core” of your whole body is — it’s your mid body, abs, and back — basically your torso. It’s called the core because most movements in your body go through it and rely on it. The scapula (or shoulder blade) is like the “core” of your shoulder. This is because almost all movements in your shoulders go through the scapula, and the scapula is at the intersection of 17 different muscles in your shoulders!

When your scapula is unstable, these 17 different muscles[6] can be out of balance, weak, and have limited flexibility and mobility... all of which can lead to uncoordinated movement, instability, pain and injury in the shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands, back, and more.

The new stretches I’m going to show you are perfect for you to do after doing Unlock Your Tight Shoulders (the program you just ordered) because they help stabilize the scapula, which will properly protect you against future shoulder pain, injuries, problems, and issues. In other words, this is how you can make sure all of this pain and all of these shoulder problems don’t come back again!

And every stretch I’m about to show you is perfectly safe for older adults, even if you’re 85 or older! They’re also perfectly safe for people with balance problems, people who don’t exercise regularly... even people who are completely out of shape.

Research shows that scapular stabilization exercises
can produce a wide variety of benefits and protection...[7]

In 2014, a controlled randomized clinical trial called The effects of scapular stabilization based exercise therapy on pain, posture, flexibility and shoulder mobility in patients with shoulder impingement syndrome found:

“The scapular stabilization based exercise intervention was successful in increasing shoulder range, decreasing forward head and shoulder postures and Pectoralis minor flexibility.”[8]

When we translate that science-speak into regular English, it means that scapular stabilization exercises can increase the mobility in your shoulders, it can improve the flexibility in your shoulders, it can decrease Forward Head Posture (which is bad for you), and decrease bad shoulder postures, which wreak havoc on lots of other areas of your body.

When you stabilize your scapulas, increase the mobility and flexibility of your shoulders, and improve your posture, you’ll find that this can help protect you from so many different issues, conditions, injuries and pain that so many people develop in their shoulders.

This is why these scapular stabilization exercises are so important, and so effective for making sure your shoulder pain and problems DON’T COME BACK!

These stretches are GENTLE, EASY, and
they only take 9 minutes a day!

The great part is: These scapular stabilization exercises are very EASY and very GENTLE.

This means just about any person, regardless of age, fitness, weight, or current degree of flexibility, can do these stretches and get excellent results…

AND, you can get excellent results with these stretches in just 9 minutes a day (or even every other day).

I hope this is starting to sound good to you!
And I hope you’re interested, because

I have a very special treat for you.

NOTE: This special treat is ONLY available to my
Unlock Your Tight Shoulders customers (that’s you!)

My newest program is called
Advanced Unlock Your Tight Shoulders,
and it will teach you a 9-minute routine of gentle scapular stabilization exercises and stretches that can help you...

  • Reduce/eliminate your shoulder pain for good!
  • Protect yourself from future shoulder injuries
  • Protect yourself from future shoulder pain
  • Protect yourself from Shoulder Arthritis
  • Protect yourself from Rotator Cuff injuries
  • Avoid inflammation in your shoulder tendons
  • Avoid Shoulder Impingement
  • Avoid Tendon Compression
  • Protect yourself from Frozen Shoulder[4]
  • Reduce and eliminate back pain[4]
  • Reduce pain and stiffness in your joints[4]
  • Perform better in your other workouts[4]
  • Make it easier on your organs to do their jobs[4]
  • Improve your posture[4]
  • Feel better than you have in years!
  • And more...

Right now, on this page, you can get
Advanced Unlock Your Tight Shoulders
for a special low price...
but this is a one-time only offer

I don’t sell Advanced Unlock Your Tight Shoulders
as a standalone program, so...

this will be your ONLY chance to get it.

Once you leave this page, you won’t be able to
get this program anywhere else.

If you add Advanced Unlock Your Tight Shoulders
to your order right now, you’re going to get
ALL THESE for just $5.95:


This is your virtual personal training and coaching session and follow-along session, all in one short, but powerful video. In this video, we will:

  • SLOWLY DEMONSTRATE, STEP-BY-STEP, exactly how to do each scapular stabilization exercise perfectly, so you can definitely get them right
  • Show you common mistakes people make doing these exercises, so you also know what NOT to do
  • Give you EVERYTHING you need - exactly how many repetitions and sets you should do, time and intensity, what you should feel as you do the exercises so you know you’re doing them right, and more.
  • Do every exercise and repetition on the video, so you can follow along and do everything with us in real-time.
  • You’ll feel totally COMFORTABLE, CONFIDENT and SAFE at all times doing this program.
  • And, the nice thing is: You have all the control, so you can adjust the pace and intensity of the program to whatever works best for you.


Your manual is a comprehensive PDF file that includes:

  • All of the gentle, but highly-effective scapular stabilization exercises, stretches and movements you’ll use in this program. Each is explained in detail, with precise step-by-step instructions.
  • Start-position and end-position photos for every stretch and exercise
  • Common mistakes and how to avoid them
  • Tips, advice and instructions for everything else you need to know, like: number of repetitions, number of sets, how long each rep should take, exactly what you should feel as you do each stretch and exercise so you can be SURE you’re doing them correctly, and how to progress if the exercises become too easy.

Advanced Unlock Your Tight Shoulders


This Brand New Bonus That We JUST ADDED:

I said “TEST-DRIVE” above because the Advanced Unlock Your Tight Shoulders program comes with a 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee.

So, if you add the Advanced Unlock Your Tight Shoulders program to your order right now, you can test drive it for 60 days, RISK FREE... 

...and you’ll also get this new bonus that we just added.



If you add the Advanced Unlock Your Tight Shoulders program to your order right now, and you’re one of the next 25 people to do so, you’re also going to get a special personalized coaching and content package FOR FREE to make sure you are successful with both programs: Unlock Your Tight Shoulders and Advanced Unlock Your Tight Shoulders!

If you’re one of the next 25 people to add Advanced Unlock Your Tight Shoulders to your order, you’ll get 14 days of FREE ACCESS to my exclusive and super-valuable Lifelong Wellness Academy.

Why do just the next 25 people get this opportunity?

The Lifelong Wellness Academy includes a lot of personal interaction, coaching and direct access to me and my team, and because of this, I limit the number of people we let in to make sure every one of our members gets the attention they deserve, so they can definitely get the results they want.

What’s in the Lifelong Wellness Academy?

LIFELONG WELLNESS ACADEMY is a unique program, specifically designed for people over 40, and specifically designed to make it EASY for you to CONSISTENTLY do the things that will help you get healthy, get strong, get fit, feel great every day, and create lifelong wellness... without sacrificing your enjoyment of life.

JUST ONE of the amazing features of the Lifelong Wellness Academy is you get to ask your questions, about your specific situation, to me and my team of health and fitness experts, DIRECTLY. This kind of personalized coaching is RARE and INVALUABLE, because if you’re stuck on any part of the program, or you have an issue that isn’t common to many other people, you can get answers quickly from me and my team of experts, so you can overcome the issue FAST, and get the results you want FAST.

What else do you get in Lifelong Wellness Academy?

  • Membership in our VIP Group, where you can get free coaching from our team and our health, fitness, and wellness experts. In the group, you also get access to lots of different content, videos, workouts, workshops, podcasts, lectures, and more.
  • Complete workouts and video exercise programs (new ones every month)
  • A complete, 12-month, healthy AND delicious eating strategy with recipes, meal plans, and shopping lists
  • 5-minute health and fitness tips and mini-workouts — 4 new ones every month
  • 5-minute mindfulness sessions and hacks to settle your mind, relax your body, and increase your energy — 2 new ones every month
  • New Health Bundle Quick Start Programs every month, that help you address specific health issues and conditions, like sleep improvement, adrenal health, blood pressure, etc.
  • New Special Reports every month — these are research-based health, fitness and wellness guides
  • Holiday Cookbooks with fun, festive recipes that are healthy and delicious (you get one or several almost every month)
  • And so much more!

And, you get all of these for FREE!

...for 14 days!

After the 14-day trial period, you’ll continue to have access to the Lifelong Wellness Academy, with new modules, content, interviews, workouts, and more, available to you every month, all for a small monthly investment of just $47.31. To avoid credit card charges, you can cancel your access before the end of your 14-day free trial period. Just contact our customer support team and we will process your request, no questions asked!

To get more information about Lifelong Wellness Academy, you can also visit our Help Center anytime at

Click The Yellow Button Below

To Get Advanced Unlock Your Tight Shoulders
AND The FREE Personalized Coaching & Content Package
All For Just $5.95

(TRY EVERYTHING RISK FREE - it all comes with a
60-day, 100% money-back guarantee)

(Not available for sale anywhere else)

Secure Order Form: Your Order is 100% Safe & Secure

Get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the digital version of Advanced Unlock Your Tight Shoulders.

Right after you order, you can download everything onto any computer or mobile device. And get lifetime access to everything 24/7/365.



 I agree to the payment terms of this recurring product.

When you order today, you’ll receive instant access to the Advanced Unlock Your Tight Shoulders and special 14-day FREE access to the Lifelong Wellness Academy. After the 14 days trial period, membership is only $47.31/month. You can cancel your premium access any time before or after the end of your 14-day free trial period. Just contact our customer support team and we will process your request, no questions asked!

so you get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to everything -
all the downloadable videos and PDF files,

REMEMBER: This is a special, ONE-TIME ONLY offer…
You CANNOT get the Advanced Unlock Your Tight Shoulders program ANYWHERE ELSE

Right now, on this page, is the only time and place you can get my brand new Advanced Unlock Your Tight Shoulders program.

If you add it to your order right now, you’ll get everything for only $5.95.

If I decide to offer this as a standalone program at some point in the future, it will cost at least $37, maybe as much as $57.

So, if you want the program that’s the perfect next step after Unlock Your Tight Shoulders (the program you just ordered), and you want to...

  • Reduce/eliminate your shoulder pain for good!
  • Protect yourself from future shoulder injuries
  • Protect yourself from future shoulder pain
  • Protect yourself from Shoulder Arthritis
  • Protect yourself from Rotator Cuff injuries
  • Avoid inflammation in your shoulder tendons
  • Avoid Shoulder Impingement
  • Avoid Tendon Compression
  • Protect yourself from Frozen Shoulder[4]
  • Reduce and eliminate back pain[4]
  • Reduce pain and stiffness in your joints[4]
  • Perform better in your other workouts[4]
  • Make it easier on your organs to do their jobs[4]
  • Improve your posture[4]
  • Feel better than you have in years!
  • And more...

Here’s everything you get for just $5.95:

...IF you add this to your order before you leave this page!


This is your virtual personal training and coaching session, and follow-along session, all in one short, but powerful video.

($37 value)


Your handy PDF reference guide for all the stretches in this program.

($17 value)


You get 14 days of FREE ACCESS to my exclusive Lifelong Wellness Academy, where you’ll receive personalized coaching, access to my workout blueprints, my proprietary exercise library, tons of handouts and extra manuals, membership in my VIP coaching group, video interviews with me and my team of experts, and lots more!

($24 value)



> > >  YOUR PRICE (If you add this to your order before you leave this page!)


Click The Yellow Button Below

To Add Advanced Unlock Your Tight Shoulders
The FREE Personalized Coaching & Content Package...
All For Just $5.95

(Comes with 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee)

(Not available for sale anywhere else)

Secure Order Form: Your Order is 100% Safe & Secure

Get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the digital version of Advanced Unlock Your Tight Shoulders.

Right after you order, you can download everything onto any computer or mobile device. And get lifetime access to everything 24/7/365.



 I agree to the payment terms of this recurring product.

When you order today, you’ll receive instant access to the Advanced Unlock Your Tight Shoulders and special 14-day FREE access to the Lifelong Wellness Academy. After the 14 days trial period, membership is only $47.31/month. You can cancel your premium access any time before or after the end of your 14-day free trial period. Just contact our customer support team and we will process your request, no questions asked!

so you get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to everything -
all the downloadable videos and PDF files,

No thanks, I will pass on this HUGE DISCOUNT for now… and I realize I will NEVER have this opportunity again.

For Product Support, please contact the vendor HERE.

For Order Support, please contact ClickBank HERE.

NOTE: The Advanced Unlock Your Tight Shoulder program is a set of 1 downloadable video and 1 PDF file. No physical product will be shipped. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download all the videos and PDF files. The PDF files can be viewed on Mac or PC. The video format is M4V which can be viewed on Mac or PC. If you have any questions or need help, please contact our customer support team.

ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank's role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.

Resources: +
  1. Misner JE, Massey BH, Bemben MG, Going S, Patrick J. Long-term effects of exercise on the range of motion of aging women. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 1992;16(1):37-42. doi: 10.2519/jospt.1992.16.1.37. PMID: 18796774.

    Curtis KA, Tyner TM, Zachary L, Lentell G, Brink D, Didyk T, Gean K, Hall J, Hooper M, Klos J, Lesina S, Pacillas B. Effect of a standard exercise protocol on shoulder pain in long-term wheelchair users. Spinal Cord. 1999 Jun;37(6):421-9. doi: 10.1038/ PMID: 10432262.

  2. Linaker CH, Walker-Bone K. Shoulder disorders and occupation. Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol. 2015;29(3):405-423. doi:10.1016/j.berh.2015.04.001
  3. Chupel MU, Direito F, Furtado GE, et al. Strength Training Decreases Inflammation and Increases Cognition and Physical Fitness in Older Women with Cognitive Impairment. Front Physiol. 2017;8:377. Published 2017 Jun 12. doi:10.3389/fphys.2017.00377

    Tovin BJ. Prevention and Treatment of Swimmer's Shoulder. N Am J Sports Phys Ther. 2006;1(4):166-175.

    Chan HBY, Pua PY, How CH. Physical therapy in the management of frozen shoulder. Singapore Med J. 2017;58(12):685-689. doi:10.11622/smedj.2017107

  4. Atalay E, Akova B, Gür H, Sekir U. Effect of Upper-Extremity Strengthening Exercises on the Lumbar Strength, Disability and Pain of Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized Controlled Study. J Sports Sci Med. 2017 Dec 1;16(4):595-603. PMID: 29238262; PMCID: PMC5721192.

    Park SI, Choi YK, Lee JH, Kim YM. Effects of shoulder stabilization exercise on pain and functional recovery of shoulder impingement syndrome patients. J Phys Ther Sci. 2013;25(11):1359-1362. doi:10.1589/jpts.25.1359

    Kim MK, Lee JC, Yoo KT. The effects of shoulder stabilization exercises and pectoralis minor stretching on balance and maximal shoulder muscle strength of healthy young adults with round shoulder posture. J Phys Ther Sci. 2018;30(3):373-380. doi:10.1589/jpts.30.373

    Lynch SS, Thigpen CA, Mihalik JP, Prentice WE, Padua D. The effects of an exercise intervention on forward head and rounded shoulder postures in elite swimmers. Br J Sports Med. 2010 Apr;44(5):376-81. doi: 10.1136/bjsm.2009.066837. PMID: 20371564.

  5. Ravichandran H, Janakiraman B, Gelaw AY, Fisseha B, Sundaram S, Sharma HR. Effect of scapular stabilization exercise program in patients with subacromial impingement syndrome: a systematic review. J Exerc Rehabil. 2020;16(3):216-226. Published 2020 Jun 30. doi:10.12965/jer.2040256.128
  6. Miniato MA, Mudreac A, Borger J. Anatomy, Thorax, Scapula. [Updated 2020 Jul 27]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2020 Jan-. Available from:
  7. Ravichandran H, Janakiraman B, Gelaw AY, Fisseha B, Sundaram S, Sharma HR. Effect of scapular stabilization exercise program in patients with subacromial impingement syndrome: a systematic review. J Exerc Rehabil. 2020;16(3):216-226. Published 2020 Jun 30. doi:10.12965/jer.2040256.128
  8. Moezy A, Sepehrifar S, Solaymani Dodaran M. The effects of scapular stabilization based exercise therapy on pain, posture, flexibility and shoulder mobility in patients with shoulder impingement syndrome: a controlled randomized clinical trial. Med J Islam Repub Iran. 2014;28:87. Published 2014 Aug 27.