If you sit for more than 3 hours a day... PLEASE read this:
Sitting Too Much Is
These 10 Super-Easy Stretches Can Help
REVERSE The Damage... And You Can Do
These Stretches Right At Your Desk,
Without Even Getting Out Of Your Chair!
YES, it’s true... sitting IS the new smoking... but there’s an easy fix.
On this page, I’m going to show you 10 stretches that can reverse the damage of sitting all day. They can also rapidly improve your health, reduce and eliminate back, neck, shoulder, and hip pain, decrease headaches, improve your posture, loosen your tight hips, and lots more...
These stretches are SUPER-EASY, SUPER-FAST, and SUPER-GENTLE, so anyone can do them. If you have to sit for hours every day (or just want to)... if you have no time for workouts... if you have no idea how to reverse the damage of too much sitting... this is PERFECT for you, and it will only take a few minutes a day.
“Sitting is the new smoking.”
That’s what the media has been telling us for years.
But, what does this really mean for YOU?
Is sitting really THAT BAD for you?
Actually, yes.
This quote comes from the Mayo Clinic:
“Research has linked sitting for long periods of time with a number of health concerns. They include obesity and a cluster of conditions — increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist and abnormal cholesterol levels — that make up metabolic syndrome. Too much sitting overall and prolonged periods of sitting also seem to increase the risk of death from cardiovascular disease and cancer.
Any extended sitting — such as at a desk, behind a wheel or in front of a screen — can be harmful. An analysis of 13 studies of sitting time and activity levels found that those who sat for more than eight hours a day with no physical activity had a risk of dying similar to the risks of dying posed by obesity and smoking.”
This quote comes from a Yale Medicine article:
“Last year, the Annals of Internal Medicine published a study of 8,000 adults that showed an association between prolonged sitting and a risk of early death from any cause. (People who sat for no more than 30 minutes at a time had the lowest risk in that study.) Other research has linked prolonged sitting or other sedentary behavior to diabetes, poor heart health, weight gain, depression, dementia, and multiple cancers.”
This image also appeared in the same Yale Medicine article:
This quote is from a Harvard Medical School article:
“Sitting can also increase pain. Even if you're reasonably active, hours of sitting—whether reading a book, working on the computer, or watching TV—tighten the hip flexor and hamstring muscles and stiffen the joints themselves. Overly tight hip flexors and hamstrings affect gait and balance, making activities like walking harder and perhaps even setting you up for a fall. Plus, tight hip flexors and hamstrings may contribute to lower back pain and knee stiffness, scourges that many people suffer with every day.”
So... Research Has Shown That If You Sit
Too Much, This Is What You Can Expect:
- Weight gain and obesity
- Poor heart health and cardiovascular disease
- Cancer
- Diabetes
- Depression and anxiety
- Dementia
- High blood pressure
- High blood sugar
- High cholesterol
- Back pain
- Neck pain
- Knee pain
- Shoulder pain
- Hip pain
- Bad posture
- Impaired balance, increased risk of falling
- Osteoporosis
- Blood clots and deep vein thromboses
- And more...
What This Really Means... For YOU
You may already be feeling the effects of sitting too much.
These conditions develop gradually, over time.
You may be feeling some stiffness or pain in one of your knees...
Or pain in your lower back...
Or pain and stiffness in your neck...
Or a significant drop in your overall energy...
Or you may have noticed you’re getting a little heavier every year.
Unfortunately, all of these conditions will only get worse and worse if you continue to sit for long periods every day...
The minor pain and stiffness in your knee can grow into an intense pain that makes it difficult just to stand up and walk. It may even get so bad that you need to have knee replacement surgery, which is no picnic.
Your lower back pain can become so chronic and so excruciating that it actually causes you to miss work for weeks, or even months. (SpineUniverse.com says, “Back pain is the second leading cause of absenteeism from work, after the common cold and accounts for 15% of sick leaves. Back injuries cause 100 million lost days of work annually.”)
Your high blood sugar or blood pressure could develop into full-blown diabetes or cardiovascular disease, which can lead to a heart attack.
Your weight gain could turn into obesity and put you at risk for cancer and many other diseases... and could ultimately shorten your life.
“Yes, I sit for many hours every day, but I also exercise daily... shouldn’t this compensate for all the sitting I do?”
Unfortunately, research has found that even regular exercise isn’t enough.
This is a quote from a Harvard Medical School article:
“Even women who exercised regularly risked shortening their lifespan if most of their daily hours were sedentary ones. ‘Even if you are doing the recommended amount of moderate to vigorous exercise, you will still have a higher risk of mortality if you’re spending too many hours sitting,’ says Dr. JoAnn Manson, one of the study’s authors, and chief of preventive medicine at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital. ‘Each of these behaviors is important and has an independent effect on cardiovascular disease and mortality.’”
You may not be able to decrease it...
You may have to sit for many hours a day...
Because you do the bulk of your work at a desk...
Or you drive a car or truck for a living...
Or you may have a physical condition that makes it difficult to stand or move around for very long.
(Or you may just LIKE sitting... and LIKE certain activities that are normally done sitting down, like watching TV.)
Ideally, it would be beneficial if you could replace a little sitting with some standing or activity.
But, don’t worry...
Even if you can’t change how much you sit right now...
The new stretching routine I’m going to show you on this page can still help you reverse the damage... even if you don’t decrease the amount of sitting you do.
AND... this stretching routine can also rapidly improve your overall health, reduce and eliminate back, neck, shoulder, and hip pain, decrease headaches, improve your posture, loosen your tight hips, and lots more, as you’ll see in just a minute.
AND... you can do this stretching routine WHILE YOU ARE SITTING.
You can do it right at your desk, while sitting in your chair.
You can do it in the seat of your car or truck.
You can even do it right on your couch.
“That sounds nice, but I have no time for a workout in the middle of the day, and I don’t have a gym membership, and I have no exercise equipment!”
I get it.
You’re probably busier than you’ve ever been... juggling so much more these days!
It’s a tough time for most people right now.
But, here’s the GOOD NEWS:
- The new stretching routine I’m going to show you on this page is not even really a workout — it only takes 10 minutes to do and you won’t even break a sweat, so you don’t have to change your clothes or take a shower afterward.
- You can do the whole thing WITHOUT EVEN GETTING UP — it’s designed to be done sitting down! So you can do it without leaving your desk, car, truck, or couch...
- You DON’T need a gym membership.
- And you DON’T need any exercise equipment.
What Exactly Is This New
Seated Stretching Routine?
It’s a simple, easy, gentle form of yoga that anyone can do, in a seated position.
Why yoga? Why seated yoga?
We use yoga because, as you’ll see in just a minute, yoga is HIGHLY EFFECTIVE at correcting the problems that too much sitting causes.
And I wanted you to be able to do this routine in a seated position because I realize that some people just cannot get up from where they work, or don’t want to, or don’t have time to!
Below is a list of the problems that are caused by too much sitting, and how these simple seated yoga stretches can fix, correct, or reverse each one of these problems:
Back Pain and Spinal Problems
Sitting too much can cause severe back pain and disc herniation. Most people cannot maintain good posture in a chair for very long and they begin to hunch and adopt a rounded position. Sitting for long periods in a hunched, rounded position compresses the discs in your spine, and over time, they will lose their ability to expand and contract with movement, which increases the risk that you could develop disc herniation and severe, chronic back pain.
These simple seated yoga stretches reduce and eliminate back pain and can correct spinal problems. These simple yoga poses bring gentle movement back to your spine, through its full range-of-motion. This lubricates your vertebral discs, and strengthens and lengthens surrounding muscles in the back, neck and shoulders, all of which reduces and eliminates back pain, and reduces the risk of herniation and other disc problems.
Sitting too much destroys your posture. Our bodies cannot maintain good posture sitting in the same position for hours, and so we all tend to hunch, slouch, and roll our shoulders forward. Over time, this becomes our habitual position when we sit. The problem is, this position wreaks havoc on your body, causes pain, injury, poor circulation, atrophied muscles, and other issues.
These simple seated yoga poses can correct bad posture and revitalize your body. These easy poses can reopen your shoulders, strengthen and lengthen atrophied muscles and ligaments, increase your circulation and revitalize your entire body. When you do this routine, even just for a few minutes each day, over time, your body is able to rehabitualize its natural healthy posture and positions, which will cause much less pain and far fewer injuries.
Sitting too much can increase the risk of diabetes. Sitting too much burns fewer calories, but doctors also think sitting too much may adversely affect the way your body interacts with insulin, making it harder for you to burn sugar and carbs for energy.
These seated yoga stretches can reduce the risk of diabetes. These simple stretches will help you burn more calories and lower your blood sugar throughout the day, both of which can help increase insulin sensitivity, which can reduce your risk of diabetes.
Dangerous Blood Clots and Deep Vein Thromboses
Sitting too much can cause dangerous blood clots and DVTs. A DVT or deep vein thrombosis is a blood clot that develops in a deep vein, usually in your leg, and it’s usually caused by sitting for too long. DVTs are serious because they can move into the lungs and cause a pulmonary embolism, which can be life-threatening.
These simple, seated yoga stretches can reduce the risk of blood clots and DVTs. Doing these stretches, even while seated, will increase your circulation, which keeps your blood flowing, making it less likely for clots or DVTs to form.
Neck and Shoulder Pain
Sitting too much causes neck and shoulder pain. When you sit and stare at a computer screen for hours, your head tends to move forward, out of it’s neutral, natural position, and this puts extra stress and strain on the muscles in your neck, shoulders, and back.
These easy seated yoga poses can reduce and eliminate neck and shoulder pain. These yoga poses stretch the muscles in your neck and shoulders, return them to their proper length and position, strengthen them, and develop more endurance in them, which all help to reduce and eliminate the pain you feel.
Weight Gain & Obesity
Sitting too much can cause weight gain and obesity. When we sit, we use very little energy and burn almost no calories, which can lead to weight gain and obesity. But, the good news is: even slight increases in activity can burn many more calories over the course of your day. (Studies show that agricultural workers can burn up to 1,000 more calories a day than office workers!)
These gentle, seated yoga poses will help you burn more calories and could help you lose weight! When we sit, we burn almost no calories, and the more we sit, the fewer calories we burn throughout the day. Just adding in these gentle, easy, seated yoga poses, can significantly increase the number of calories you burn throughout the day, which can help you lose weight, and decrease your risk of becoming obese, which also decreases your risk for many illnesses and serious diseases.
Heart Disease and Heart Attacks
Sitting too much can increase your risk for heart disease, which can lead to heart attacks. A scientific study was conducted to compare two similar groups of people: transit workers and conductors and guards. The two groups had similar diets and lifestyles, but the study found that the transit workers, who sat most of the day, were about twice as likely to develop heart disease as the conductors and guards, who stood most of the day.
These easy, seated yoga poses may lower cardiovascular risk factors. This is a quote from an American Heart Association article: “Research also shows yoga may lower cardiovascular risk factors. Yeh co authored a 2014 review of clinical research published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology that found yoga had a significant impact on cardiometabolic risk factors compared to doing no exercise at all. For example, yoga decreased total cholesterol by 18.48 mg/dl and triglycerides by 25.89 mg/dl more than the change seen in the control group. Blood pressure improved too. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure decreased 5.21 mmHg and 4.98 mmHg, respectively. The benefits also extend to people with heart disease. Among people with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, in which symptoms come and go, doing 12 weeks of yoga combined with deep breathing resulted in a lower heart rate, lower blood pressure and higher mental health scores compared to those who didn't do yoga, according to a 2016 study published in the European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing.”
Shorter Life
Sitting too much can shorten your life. If you sit for many hours each day, you are more likely to die earlier from any cause. Scientific studies have now observed more than 1 million people and have concluded that the more sedentary you are (the more you sit), the more likely you are to die early.
These seated yoga poses can get you moving more, make you less sedentary, and extend your life! The bottom line is: the more you move, the longer you will live (all other factors being equal of course). These seated yoga moves are going to get you moving more, every day. They will make you less sedentary, every day. They will get your heart pumping more and your blood circulating more, every day, and you will be exercising more, every day, all of which can extend your life!
Depression & Anxiety
Sitting too much can cause depression and anxiety. If you sit for many hours each day in front of your computer or TV, and you are alone for much of that time, and if these activities cause you to sleep fewer hours, you may develop depression and/or anxiety. And, more alone time can cause you to withdraw from friends and family and social situations, which can cause more depression and anxiety.
These gentle, seated yoga stretches may be helpful with depression and anxiety. This quote is from a Harvard Medical School article: “Available reviews of a wide range of yoga practices suggest they can reduce the impact of exaggerated stress responses and may be helpful for both anxiety and depression. By reducing perceived stress and anxiety, yoga appears to modulate stress response systems. This, in turn, decreases physiological arousal — for example, reducing the heart rate, lowering blood pressure, and easing respiration. There is also evidence that yoga practices help increase heart rate variability, an indicator of the body's ability to respond to stress more flexibly. For many patients dealing with depression, anxiety, or stress, yoga may be a very appealing way to better manage symptoms.”
Varicose Veins
Sitting too much can cause varicose veins. Sitting for too many hours decreases your circulation, which can cause blood to pool in your veins. When too much blood pools, this can cause your veins to twist, swell, and bulge — this is varicose veins. Sitting too long can also cause spider veins — broken blood vessels that show through the skin.
These seated yoga stretches increase circulation throughout your body. This keeps your blood flowing, which means it won’t pool as much, and this can decrease the risk of forming varicose veins and spider veins.
Sitting too much can increase your risk for cancer. Scientists have found that sitting for long periods every day can increase your risk for cancer. This quote is from a Mayo Clinic article: “Too much sitting overall and prolonged periods of sitting also seem to increase the risk of death from cardiovascular disease and cancer.”
Doing these easy, seated yoga poses on a regular basis may reduce your risk of developing cancer. This quote is from a Harvard Medical School article: “A recent study from the National Cancer Institute, published in JAMA Internal Medicine, strongly supports the theory that regular exercise reduces the risk of many types of cancer.” And a new study conducted at the Universities of Coventry and Radboud found that yoga can also affect molecular reactions in the DNA, which could decrease the risk of cancer. Yoga could help reduce the risk of cancer by reversing the molecular reactions in DNA if practiced on a daily basis.
Imagine not having to worry about the damage that sitting all day is doing to your body...
Imagine having no more back pain!...
Imagine losing weight because you’re now burning more calories throughout the day...
Imagine having a lot more energy throughout the day...
Imagine feeling better and better every day...
Imagine how you’ll feel knowing you are lengthening your life!...
Imagine how it will feel knowing that you are protecting yourself from heart disease, heart attacks, cancer, diabetes, and other nasty diseases...
Imagine feeling healthier... imagine not having to worry about your health...
Imagine having no more neck pain or shoulder pain!...
Imagine experiencing a long-lasting, significant decrease in your anxiety...
Imagine having better posture...
Imagine just feeling better all day long!
Is It Hard To Believe That
Just 10 Easy, Seated Yoga Stretches
Can Do ALL THAT For You?
It might sound unbelievable that just adding 10 easy, seated yoga stretches to your daily routine, could create all of those big, positive results in your life…
But, it’s true.
It’s all right there in the scientific research. It’s been proven.
And I’m here to tell you that...
All of that can happen for YOU too.
It has already happened for many of my clients.
And it can happen for you…
...WITHOUT complicated, confusing, intense, time-consuming exercise routines
...WITHOUT time-consuming (and costly!) physical therapy appointments
...WITHOUT pain pills, injections, or surgery.
In fact, all you have to do is these 10 simple, easy, seated yoga stretches.
- You don’t need a gym.
- You don’t need any expensive equipment.
- You can do it all by yourself... right at your desk, in your chair, in your car or truck, or on your couch.
And it can happen for you...
- Even if you’re very inflexible
- Even if you’re 80 years old (or older!)
- Even if you’re in pain
- Even if you’re out-of-shape
- Even if you’re worried about your balance
- Even if you can’t get down onto the floor
- Even if you can’t stand for a long period of time
- Even if you’ve never exercised a day in your life!
But... Here’s
Most People Won’t Get
Because most people don’t stick to new exercise programs, and don’t do them on a consistent basis.
And, if you don’t do an exercise program on a consistent basis, you won’t get ANY results.
Why don’t people stick to new exercise programs?
Why won’t they do them on a consistent basis?
Because most exercise programs are:
- Too difficult to learn
- Too difficult to do
- Too aggressive and advanced for older adults
- Too hard on your joints
- Too time-consuming
- Too complicated
- Too intense, scary and risky for older adults
The seated yoga stretching program I’ve been talking about here, has been intentionally designed to be EASY, FAST, SAFE and GENTLE…
...so you will NATURALLY WANT to do it on a consistent basis…
...so you will actually do it on a consistent basis, so you can reverse the damage that sitting all day is doing to your body, and so you can rapidly improve your health, reduce and eliminate back, neck, shoulder, and hip pain, decrease headaches, improve your posture, loosen your tight hips, and lots more...
Let me quickly show you in the next two sections how I’ve made this program easy, fast, safe and gentle, so you know that you’ll actually do it on a consistent basis.
And then I’ll show you these 10 easy, seated yoga stretches and poses, so you can start using them too!
You Don’t Need A Gym, Special Exercise
Clothes, Or Any Equipment To
Do This Seated Yoga Routine… And The
Whole Thing Only Takes 10 Minutes
One of the most important things about a program like this is that it has to be FAST and EASY enough to do, so you will actually do it on a consistent basis…
...otherwise you won’t get the results!
Some of the reasons people don’t consistently do programs like this are:
- “I don’t have enough time.”
- “I don’t want to, or can’t get to a gym.”
- “I don’t want to buy and change into special exercise clothes.”
- “I don’t want it to be a big pain-in-the-butt to do this everyday.”
The seated yoga routine I’m going to show you on this page was intentionally designed to be very easy and very convenient, so you will actually WANT to do it on a consistent basis… because that’s the only way you can get the results you want.
Here’s why this routine is so easy and convenient:
- You don’t need more than 10 minutes to complete it
- You can do it right at your desk, sitting in your chair
- You can do it in a car
- You can do it in a truck
- You can do it on your couch
- You don’t need a gym
- You don’t need a yoga mat
- You don’t need to drive anywhere
- You don’t need to change into special exercise clothes
- You don’t need any equipment
- You don’t need to shower after you do the routine, because you won’t even break a sweat!
Here’s Why You Don’t Need To Be Scared Of Doing
These 10 Seated Yoga Poses And Stretches…
Are you worried you can’t do this because you’ve never done yoga?
Are you worried you’re too old to do a stretching routine like this?
Are you worried you’re too out-of-shape?
Are you worried these stretches will be too advanced or too difficult for you?
Are you worried you have limitations that this program won’t take into account?
Are you worried that you won’t know how to get started?
Are you worried this might not be safe for you?
Are you worried you can’t do this because you’ve never really exercised consistently (or at all)?
Please don’t worry about any of this - the easy, seated stretching routine I’m going to show you has taken ALL OF THESE into consideration.
- This routine was designed specifically for men and women between the ages of 40 and 80, who are sedentary for most of the day, knowing full well that people in this group have unique exercise needs, capabilities, and limitations.
- The movements and exercises in this routine are extremely gentle, safe, and easy on your joints, even if your joints are already inflamed, stiff and painful.
- No matter what your limitation is, chances are, I’ve considered it, and worked around it, so you can do this program!
THE BOTTOM LINE IS: virtually ANYONE can do this program.
So What Exactly IS This Seated Yoga
Stretching Program? And
How Can YOU Start Using It Too?
I developed this program after many of my clients told me they were concerned about the stories in the media about sitting too much every day. They told me, “Everyone is saying ‘sitting is the new smoking’ and I need to know what I can do about it, because I sit almost all day!” Many were also already feeling the effects of too much sitting. They had back pain, neck pain, knee pain, shoulder pain, and lots of stiffness all the time. They also felt a marked decrease in energy most days.
So, I used all the latest scientific and medical research to make sure this program is highly-effective and would produce real results for people... and then, I also made sure the program is easy-to-do, fast, gentle, and safe, so people would definitely do it consistently.
After my clients started getting excellent results with this program, I wanted more people to be able to benefit from it too, so I decided to make it into a video program that you could do at home, completely on your own.
I call this program 10 Gentle Chair Yoga Poses to Undo the Damage of Sitting All Day.
This is the same exact program I’ve used for years with my one-on-one, face-to-face clients.
THE BIG DIFFERENCE FOR YOU IS... you won’t have to travel to my office to see me personally, and you won’t have to pay the high fees I normally charge for individual sessions.
All you have to do is:
- Watch one video
- Do 10 EASY, GENTLE stretches each day
- Be a LITTLE BIT patient and then
- Enjoy the changes... AND GET BACK TO THE LIFE YOU LOVE!
I want you to get back to your life the way it was before you were worrying about sitting too much, and before you had all these back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain and stiffness.
That’s what this program is all about...
- Getting you to a place where you don’t have to worry about sitting too much anymore
- Getting you back to your normal, active, pain-free, healthy life
- Getting you back to walking, hiking, sports, hobbies and all the things you love
- Getting you back to waking up in the morning WITHOUT lots of pain and stiffness
- Getting you back to sleeping through the night, uninterrupted
- Getting you back to work... and feeling good at work!
- Getting you back to playing with your kids (or grandkids)
- Getting you back to a place where you don’t need to worry about your health or sitting anymore!
About The 10 Gentle Chair Yoga Poses to
Undo the Damage of Sitting All Day Program:
- You can still be a regular person – you don’t need to be a health and fitness nut to get great results with this program.
- You can do this whole stretching routine in 10 minutes or less.
- This program only asks you to make small changes to your life, and make them gradually.
- You don’t have to do crazy intense, time-consuming workouts. The stretches in this program are low-impact and easy for just about anyone to do, but still very effective!
- You can do this stretching program pretty much anywhere, anytime - you never need a gym or any equipment.
- This is NOT just a bunch of stretches thrown together with the HOPE that they will reverse the damage of sitting too much. This is a CAREFULLY DESIGNED SYSTEM that has already helped many of my clients.
- UNLIKE MOST OTHER stretching programs, this program is based on real scientific research. In my 26 years as a Kinesiologist and Pain and Injury Specialist, I’ve seen that the programs that are based on the conclusions of real medical and scientific research just work better for most people.
- This program doesn’t require you to make any big changes in your lifestyle—all you have to do is 10 easy stretches sitting in your chair and you will start seeing great results!
- I didn’t just make up this program. It is the result of YEARS OF SCHOLARLY MEDICAL RESEARCH and feedback from REAL-WORLD TESTS AND EXPERIMENTS WITH MY CLIENTS.
- You will know EXACTLY how to do each stretch PROPERLY. You will know EXACTLY what order to do the stretches in (which is VERY important!). You will know EXACTLY how many times to do each stretch. You will know EXACTLY how many sets to do. You will know EXACTLY what intensity you should do each stretch with. You will know EXACTLY how your body should feel when you do each stretch correctly. Nothing is left out – you will have no guesswork or confusion about what to do. Everything in this program is systematized and laid out perfectly and clearly for you.
- All of your questions will be answered. I have diligently collected questions from each of my clients over the years, so you will have all the answers you need, so you will NEVER FEEL STUCK. And on the off-chance that I haven’t answered one of your questions, you can always email us at [email protected] and we will get back to you quickly with an answer!
- I will also show you what to do and how to do it if you want to progress further and increase your intensity and results.
- You’ll learn not only how to do the stretches correctly, but also the common mistakes people make doing these stretches. This is crucial because doing the stretches just right makes A HUGE DIFFERENCE in whether this will work for you or not.
- And much more…
What Exactly Do You Get In The 10 Gentle
Chair Yoga Poses to Undo the Damage of
Sitting All Day Program?
I made this program short and sweet…
...because I want you to get great results as quickly as possible.
There’s only one sequence of 10 gentle, easy stretches that I want you to learn and do. You can do them once a day, or more, depending on what your endurance is, and how much you want to improve and reverse the damage of sitting too much.
Once you learn the program, which is quick and easy to do, the sequence shouldn’t take you more than 10 minutes to complete.
In this program, you’re going to get only what you need to incorporate these easy, but powerful yoga poses and stretches into your life, so you can get the multitude of benefits as quickly as possible.
Here’s what you get in this program:
Instructional & Follow Along Video - Your Personal Training Session
This video is your virtual personal training session — in it, we will:
- SLOWLY DEMONSTRATE, STEP-BY-STEP, exactly how to do each of the 10 movements perfectly, so you can definitely get them right
- Show you ALL the common mistakes people make doing these movements, so you also know what NOT to do
- Give you EVERYTHING you need - exactly how many repetitions and sets you should do, time and intensity, what you should feel as you do the movements so you know you’re doing them right, and more.
Comprehensive Manual (PDF)
You also get this handy PDF guide that includes:
- All of the gentle, but highly-effective stretches you’ll use in this program. Each is explained in detail, with precise step-by-step instructions.
- Start-position and end-position photos for every stretch and pose
- Tips and advice on everything else you need to know, like: number of repetitions, number of sets, how long each repetition should take, exactly what you should feel as you do each stretch so you can be SURE you’re doing them correctly, and how to progress if they become too easy.
If You’re One Of The First 50 People
To Try It Out, You’ll Get The 10 Gentle
Chair Yoga Poses to Undo the Damage
of Sitting All Day Program
For 46% OFF The Regular Price
I underlined the words ‘try it out’ above because this program comes with a 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee, so if you don’t get the results you want, just let us know within 60 days of your purchase and we’ll give you refund for the full purchase price, no questions asked… AND you can keep the entire program (and the 3 bonuses) as my gift, just for trying it out!
I’ve used the stretching routine in the 10 Gentle Chair Yoga Poses to Undo the Damage of Sitting All Day program for years with my clients…
...but this is the first time this program will be available in a video-based format. So right now, I’m offering a special discounted price of $19.95 and 3 special bonuses (see below), to the first 50 people who order.
(I usually charge $37 for a video program like this, with NO bonuses included!)
I’m making this special offer so I can get this first video version into the hands of a big group of people, and get some quick feedback, so I can keep improving the program.
After the first 50 people order, the price for 10 Gentle Chair Yoga Poses to Undo the Damage of Sitting All Day goes back up to $37 and the bonuses will NOT be included.
AND... If You’re One Of The First 50 People
To Try The 10 Gentle Chair Yoga Poses to Undo the Damage of Sitting All Day Program,
You’re Also Going To Get These
This bonus video training reveals the 5 most common habits we all have that damage our posture.
And in the second half of the video, we’ll teach you 5 simple, easy, and gentle movements that you can do to counteract these bad habits and restore your body to its natural, healthy posture, which will also reduce and eliminate the pains, stiffness, and inflexibility you may already be feeling on a daily basis.
In this special bonus training, you’re going to learn:
- The thing we all do, for hours every day, that decreases your circulation, weakens your glutes, and shortens your hip flexors, which can cause lots of different problems in your body...
- The habit we all do every day that overworks your hips, without you even knowing it. This makes your hips tight, short, and weak, all without you even knowing it!
- The bad habit that literally turns off our gluteal muscles, and makes our body “forget” in the future to activate our glutes... which can cause serious injuries in other parts of our body.
- The daily habit we all do that leads to kyphosis, which is rounding of the thoracic spine, which causes LOTS of back pain.
- What “text neck” is and how it’s hurting you, probably without you even knowing about it. (HINT: this causes lots of stiffness and chronic pain in your neck, and can also cause headaches.)
- Why you MUST know about “head forward position.” Did you know that when you hold your head forward by just 15 degrees, you are placing an additional 27 pounds of force on your neck and spine, and they must now compensate for that additional weight? You can imagine how this would cause pain and stiffness in your neck, shoulders, and your back. When your head is 60 degrees forward, which is pretty common, you’re putting an additional 60 pounds of force onto your neck and spine!
- How to align your head properly so you don’t overtax your neck, shoulders, spine and back.
- How to adjust one of the seats you spend lots of time in every day, so it significantly reduces pain and stiffness throughout your body.
- There’s something that almost every woman in the world does almost every day... and you need to stop doing it ASAP. (In this video training, you’ll find out what it is, why you need to stop ASAP, and what to do instead.)
- The PROPER way to sit, so you don’t cause pain and injury.
- 5 different gentle movements that will help relieve and eliminate pain, stiffness and inflexibility, and reverse the damage of daily habits that ruin our posture. These movements will help your body return to its natural, healthy posture and physical habits.
- And lots more...
Poor posture, such as slouching, not only looks bad, but can also have an incredibly detrimental impact on your overall health. In fact, back pain, neck pain and shoulder pain are just a few of the consequences of hunching or slumping. Bad posture can also result in poor circulation, constricted nerves, decreased lung function and poor digestion. It is extremely important to not only recognize the daily habits that contribute to bad posture, but to also take active steps to reverse any damage to your overall health.
5 Daily Habits That Are Damaging Your Posture takes a deeper look at the daily tasks and routines that are playing havoc with your back, neck and shoulder health. Awareness is key, and while work responsibilities and lifestyle tendencies are almost impossible to avoid, there are several steps that can be taken to minimize the damaging effects these habits have on your posture. We’ll reveal vital information on how these daily behaviors are negatively impacting your posture, and the adjustments that can be made to minimize any future damage.
In the second half of the program, we share the 5 key exercises designed to build strength in your neck, shoulders and back, helping to reverse any damage that has already taken place. Research has shown that these 5 simple exercises are fundamental in ensuring better posture and overall well-being.
Don’t overlook this key element to better health. Improve your posture today!
REMEMBER: Only the first 50 people who order the 10 Gentle Chair Yoga Poses to Undo the Damage of Sitting All Day program will get this special bonus video training!
As a 10 Gentle Chair Yoga Poses to Undo the Damage of Sitting All Day customer, you get FREE LIFETIME ACCESS to my Exercises For Injuries VIP Coaching Group.
In this group, you can get all of your questions answered by my team of health and fitness experts. You’ll also get support, accountability and inspiration that isn’t always available in your own life. Support, accountability and inspiration are critical to ensuring that you follow through on the 10 Gentle Chair Yoga Poses to Undo the Damage of Sitting All Day program... so you can reverse the damage that sitting too much is causing in your body, rapidly improve your health, reduce and eliminate back, neck, shoulder, and hip pain, decrease headaches, improve your posture, loosen your tight hips, and more.
For many of my customers, this coaching group is the missing piece that finally helps them overcome their injuries and achieve their health and fitness goals.
We are always adding new material to this program in order to help you get better results.
You will get FREE access to all updates for life!
Get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the digital version of the 10 Gentle Chair Yoga Poses to Undo the Damage of Sitting All Day program
Right after you order, you can access the full digital version of the program and download it all onto any computer or mobile device. And you get lifetime access to everything 24/7/365.
(Regular Retail Price = $37)
No thanks, I will pass on this ONE-TIME ONLY OFFER… and I realize I will never have this opportunity again.
- Regardless of which option you select above, you will get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the entire 10 Gentle Chair Yoga Poses to Undo the Damage of Sitting All Day program, immediately after you place your order.
- Only the first 50 people who order will get these discounted prices and the BONUSES. I’m offering the special discounted price of $19.95 and the 3 bonuses to the first 50 people who order so I can get this first video version of this program into the hands of a big group of people, and get some quick feedback, so I can keep improving the program, but after the first 50 people order, the prices go back up and the bonuses disappear!
- This program comes with a 60-DAY, 100% MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE. So… get this program now and just try it out! You have a full 60 days to go through everything, and see what results you get. If you’re not happy for any reason, let us know within 60 days of your purchase date and we’ll gladly refund the full purchase price… AND you can keep the entire program (and the 3 bonuses) as my gift, just for trying it out!
Don’t BUY… TRY!
Try The 10 Gentle Chair Yoga Poses to
Undo the Damage of Sitting All Day Program
RISK-FREE For 60 Days!
This program comes with a 60-day, no-hassles, no-questions-asked, 100% money-back guarantee. Take the next 60 days to test drive the whole program to MAKE SURE you are getting the results you want!
If you’re not getting the results you want, or you’re not completely ecstatic, or you just decide to change your mind... just contact my team anytime within 60 days of the date of your purchase. Please email us at [email protected], or call us at 1-888-291-2430 (toll free in the USA and Canada), or send SMS to 1-888-229-4992, and we will immediately issue you a full refund… AND you can keep the entire program (and the 3 bonuses) as my gift, just for trying it out!
Why do I offer a 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee on 10 Gentle Chair Yoga Poses to Undo the Damage of Sitting All Day?
- To show you how confident I am in this program. This program is based on real scientific studies and research. It includes stretches and sequences that you won’t find anywhere else.
- I want you to know that you have no risk, so you can get this program and use it with peace-of-mind. I want you to be focused on learning and doing the easy, gentle stretches in this program so you can rapidly improve your health, reduce and eliminate back, neck, shoulder, and hip pain, and reverse the damage that sitting too much is causing in your body. I don’t want you to have to worry about whether this is going to work, or whether you’re going to lose out, or anything like that. With my 60-day guarantee, you can put your mind at ease and just focus on doing the program and getting the results you want.
So, don’t buy the 10 Gentle Chair Yoga Poses to Undo the Damage of Sitting All Day…
TRY IT OUT first, for a full 60 days…
And if at any time during that period, you want your money back instead, just let my team know, and you will have it!
...AND you can keep the entire program (and the 3 bonuses) as my gift, just for trying it out!
How My 10 Gentle Chair Yoga Poses to Undo the Damage of Sitting All Day Program Gives YOU All The Control...
I specifically chose to make this a downloadable VIDEO program so you would get these benefits:
- You can watch the videos at your own pace. As far as I know, you cannot pause, rewind or fast-forward an in-person training or therapy session... but, with video you can! With video, you have all the control - you can go as slowly or as quickly as you like and review any key points as many times as you want.
- The videos work on any computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone, iPhone or iPad. You can download them onto any of your devices, or watch them on the Internet, and you will have unlimited access to them, forever.
- You can watch the videos on your schedule, whenever it’s convenient for you. No scheduled appointments to make, no time off from work - you can do it whenever YOU have time.
- You can learn and do the exercises from the convenience of your own home, or wherever you choose. No driving or flying to appointments, sessions or courses at someone else’s location.
- You save money. You won’t need expensive therapy appointments, training sessions, courses or seminars. These videos alone can help you reverse the damage that sitting too much is causing in your body, rapidly improve your health, reduce and eliminate back, neck, shoulder, and hip pain, decrease headaches, improve your posture, loosen your tight hips, and lots more...
Here’s everything you get for $37 $19.95:
INSTRUCTIONAL & FOLLOW ALONG VIDEOThis is your personal training & coaching session. In this video, we’ll teach you every stretch and pose that you’ll use in this program, and you can follow along with the video and do the whole routine with us, in real-time! |
($47 value) |
COMPREHENSIVE MANUALIn this comprehensive manual, every stretch and pose is explained in detail, with precise step-by-step instructions, and start-position and end-position photos. |
($27 value) |
BONUS #1: FREE VIDEO TRAINING: 5 DAILY HABITS THAT ARE DAMAGING YOUR POSTURELearn all about the 5 most common habits that are damaging your posture, and learn 5 easy movements that will help correct, fix, and reverse the damage quickly! |
($27 value) |
BONUS #2: FREE LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP IN MY VIP COACHING GROUPGet your questions answered and get valuable support, accountability and inspiration in the Exercises For Injuries VIP Coaching Group. |
($57 value) |
BONUS #3: FREE LIFETIME UPDATESAnytime the 10 Gentle Chair Yoga Poses to Undo the Damage of Sitting All Day program is updated, you will receive a free copy of the new version. |
($37 value) |
$195.00 |
$37.00 |
> > > YOUR PRICE (If you’re one of the first 50 people to order!) |
$19.95 |
TRY My 10 Gentle Chair Yoga Poses to Undo the Damage of Sitting All Day Program…
For 60 Days, With No Risk
If You’re One Of The First 50 People
To Try It, You’ll Get Everything For Just
One Payment Of $19.95 (Regular Price = $37)
And You’ll Get The 3 Special Bonuses!
(Comes with 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee. No questions. No hassles.)
Get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the digital version of the 10 Gentle Chair Yoga Poses to Undo the Damage of Sitting All Day program
Right after you order, you can access the full digital version of the program and download it all onto any computer or mobile device. And you get lifetime access to everything 24/7/365.
(Regular Retail Price = $37)
No thanks, I will pass on this ONE-TIME ONLY OFFER… and I realize I will never have this opportunity again.
- Regardless of which option you select above, you will get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the entire 10 Gentle Chair Yoga Poses to Undo the Damage of Sitting All Day program, immediately after you place your order.
- Only the first 50 people who order will get these discounted prices and the BONUSES. I’m offering the special discounted price of $19.95 and the 3 bonuses to the first 50 people who order so I can get this first video version of this program into the hands of a big group of people, and get some quick feedback, so I can keep improving the program, but after the first 50 people order, the prices go back up and the bonuses disappear!
- This program comes with a 60-DAY, 100% MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE. So… get this program now and just try it out! You have a full 60 days to go through everything, and see what results you get. If you’re not happy for any reason, let us know within 60 days of your purchase date and we’ll gladly refund the full purchase price… AND you can keep the entire program (and the 3 bonuses) as my gift, just for trying it out!
Who created The
10 Gentle Chair Yoga Poses to Undo
the Damage of Sitting All Day Program?
Hi, my name is Rick Kaselj and I’d like to tell you a little bit about me, so you can feel comfortable that the program you’re considering comes from a credible authority, with expert-level training and experience.
Here are a few relevant facts about me:
- I’ve been a Kinesiologist and Pain and Injury Specialist since 1994 (26 years).
- I spent 6 years at university studying Kinesiology, Corrective Exercise and Therapeutic Exercise, and got my Master’s Degree in Exercise Science.
- I have 26 years of hands-on experience, working directly with clients, and teaching my techniques and programs to fitness professionals, Kinesiologists, and healthcare providers.
- I have conducted thousands of personal training sessions.
- I have reviewed and carefully scrutinized hundreds of scientific and medical research papers and studies.
- I’m also an author and speaker, and I’ve given over 260 presentations to more than 5,000 fitness professionals across Canada and USA.
- These are some of the major publications my work has been featured in:
I’m all about finding what works… and unfortunately, a lot of the advice out there, even from trained professionals and reputable sources… does not work!
Some of the most effective methods I’ve discovered for eliminating pain, healing injuries and improving health are counterintuitive - they required diligent research, testing, and creativity to discover.
People get the best results when they follow a program that’s been properly designed. The best programs include only the exercises that are necessary, instructions for how to perform them properly, the proper order in which to perform them, and instructions for what the right amount of rest is, and when to take it. Not doing all the steps, or performing them in the wrong order, or taking too little rest, or too much, can throw you off course, and sometimes even make things worse.
But, do my exercise programs really work?
Here’s proof from people who have eliminated their pain, improved their health and changed their lives
using my programs:
Lynn Christinson Mitchell, Wayzata, MN
"I have spent 2 years in terrible pain. I’ve been through MRIs with the diagnosis of inflammation in my hip flexors on both sides. I go to a chiropractor 2x a month. No help in 2 years. I’ve cried just trying to go up stairs or walk. Sleep was difficult because I tossed and turned because the pain would wake me up. I’m a very active person so it’s been emotionally hard on me as well.
Then, I received the Unlock Your Hip Flexors DVD two days ago and I can move freely! The pain is nonexistent! I cannot thank you enough. I just ordered another DVD for pain. I’m only 47 and I don’t need to feel like I’m 90. Thanks again."
Marco Mura, Professional Forester, Sardegna, Italy
"Thank you Rick, you saved my career!"
Jim Tallman, Industrial Training Consultant, Langley, BC
"I’ve had a problem with the fascia in my left glute/thigh for over three years. It got to where I could hardly go up stairs, and would wake up two or three times each night from the pain/discomfort. I tried yoga, two different physiotherapists, a prescription topical cream from my doctor, foam rolling, massage and 222’s. None of these were very effective.
I started doing the exercises in the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program three or four months ago, and the problem has gone away. I can walk up stairs with no problem and don’t wake up in the night from the pain. I do the exercises every day without fail and the pain is gone and most of the stiffness as well. Your program is the only one that has worked."
Connie Curtis Claire , Dunellon, FL
"The last 3 years have been really rough. Lots of sitting in the hospital with my husband then I had my foot fused in 5 places. Long story short. I bought the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program last month. I did the exercises and had an immediate change! Stronger, more fluid movement, not sore at all!
Before it was so painful for me to start walking, felt disjointed or something. NOW MY BODY MOVES AGAIN! This is a major game changer for me. Thank you."
Dave Elder, CFT, Infinite Fitness, Ft. Wayne, IN
"I have suffered with Plantar Fasciitis for over a year with no relief no matter what I tried. One week into your program and I’m able to do exercises that I have been unable to perform for some time now. Thanks for providing this course. The relief I already feel is worth the money spent on it."
Doreen R Neely, Springfield, TN
"In less than a week, I am pain-free and back to running without having to modify my training to ‘protect’ myself. God bless!!"
Shelley Watson, Carmel, CA
"Your exercises have changed my life. I have been in constant pain for 15 years."
Tracy Walker, North Carolina
"I just wanted to say thank you for providing what I needed to resolve my hip problem! After following your exercises, I went through work all day with no pain and no pain medication. Yeah!! Thanks so much for a simple answer to a problem I have been dealing with for months."
"I followed your Fixing Elbow Pain program and my elbow pain was practically gone in about 10 days. Great program! Thanks again."
Michael Matlock, Birmingham, AL, Owner of Investment Advisory Business
Gretchen Bonfert, aka Giselle Bonfaire, Grant Writer and Musician
"I purchased and downloaded his Effective Rotator Cuff Exercise program and am very proud to say that I did a subset of the exercises that were right for me – with dedication, for weeks – and now it is all FINE!
I have regained ALL of the function I’ve had, which is pretty astonishing given how bad it was.
Thank you, Rick!"
Tammy D. Jones, IFBB Professional Bodybuilder, Cape Coral, FL
"My shoulder is 100% better after doing the program from start to finish. It’s as if nothing were ever wrong to begin with. I am so thankful to you. I was really scared there for a while. Thought my career was over, that I might need surgery because the pain kept getting progressively worse. I bought the Fix My Shoulder Pain program in January, and not even 2-3 weeks later I am completely functional. WOW. No pain at all, whatsoever."
"After using your Plantar Fasciitis program, I noticed a difference by the second morning. I was able to get up out of bed without the immediate pain and stiffness I am used to experiencing in the morning. I am now able to walk 1.5 miles without pain during or after my walk. That is exciting! I was in constant pain before I started the program and now I am able to take walks with my husband, pain-free."
Jennifer Dixon, Payroll Supervisor, CPP, Wenatchee, WA
Thomas Mcgowan, Retired Marketing Executive, Dublin, Ireland
"I am a 71 year old, a golf enthusiast, and had been experiencing sciatica type pain in my left hip for some time. Thankfully, by following your Unlock Your Hip Flexors program daily, I am now totally free of hip pain. Many thanks for your help!"
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: How long does it take each day to do the stretches in this program?
The routine in this program is designed to take 10 minutes or less to complete each day. It may take a little longer in the beginning as you’re learning it, but you’ll have it down to 10 minutes or less in no time because these stretches are very easy to learn.
Q: How long until I see results?
Although everyone is different and will experience different results, you should start feeling better even within the first few days, and it only keeps getting better and better after that!
Q: Do I need a gym membership or any special equipment?
No. You only need your body and a seat to do this program.
Q: Who is this program suitable for? Is it safe?
The stretches in this program are so easy and gentle that virtually anyone can do them—even people who have physical limitations… even people who have never exercised a day in their life. But, if you aren’t sure or you have a specific concern, you should consult your doctor before starting this or any other new exercise routine.
Q: Can I use this program if I’ve had an injury or surgery?
The answer to this is very individual. It depends on what type of injury or surgery you’ve had and how you’ve recovered from them. It is best to ask your surgeon or doctor to see if this program is suitable for you.
Q: Are these stretches difficult to perform?
No, the stretches in this program are very easy to perform. They are simple and natural movements that you will easily “get” after one or two viewings of the videos.
Q: How long does it take to get my DVD?
If you order the DIGITAL + PHYSICAL package, it typically takes the warehouse 1 – 3 business days to prepare and ship out your package. We use the U.S. Postal Service, and what we have found is their expected mailing times are as follows:
- If you live in the continental U.S., it will take 3 – 5 business days to receive your package after it’s been shipped.
- If you live in another part of North America (e.g. Canada, Mexico, or states outside of the continental U.S.), it can take 7 – 14 business days for the package to arrive at your address, after it’s been shipped.
- If you live outside of North America (e.g. Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia), it can take 14 – 20 business days to arrive, after it’s been shipped.
If it’s been longer than the expected delivery time as described above and you still have not received your package, please email us at [email protected], or call us at 1-888-291-2430 (toll free in the USA and Canada), or send SMS to 1-888-229-4992.
Q: I want to start right away. Do I have to wait for the DVD to arrive in the mail?
No. Regardless of which version of the program you choose – the DIGITAL ONLY or the DIGITAL + PHYSICAL, you will get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the entire program immediately after you complete your order, so you can get started RIGHT NOW, either way!
Q: Do I have to watch all of the videos all in one sitting?
No, you can watch the videos whenever you like (even at 3 am), do parts and pieces whenever you have time, do everything at your own pace, and re-visit any aspects of the videos anytime.
Q: Can I burn the videos onto a DVD?
Yes, you can. You can download the videos to your computer and then burn them to a blank DVD. This allows you to watch the videos on a DVD player at home, on your laptop, or on a different computer that has a DVD drive.
Q: Can I watch the videos on my smartphone or tablet?
Absolutely! The videos are in M4V format that can be viewed from any computer, tablet or smartphone.
Q: What if 10 Gentle Chair Yoga Poses to Undo the Damage of Sitting All Day doesn’t work for me?
The chances are very good that it will work for you, but just so you feel totally comfortable… if you decide, for any reason, or no reason at all, that you would rather get your money back, my team will make sure you get a full refund, as long as you request it within 60 days of your date of purchase… AND you can keep the entire program (and the 3 bonuses) as my gift, just for trying it out!
Who Is The 10 Gentle Chair Yoga Poses to Undo the Damage of Sitting All Day Program For?
And Who Is It NOT For?
You can do this program if you’re 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, or older.
You can do this program if you’ve never done yoga before!
You can do this program if you’ve never exercised a day in your life.
You can do this program if your balance is impaired.
You can do this program if you can’t stand up for very long.
You can do this program if you have sore muscles in your back, neck, hips, or shoulders.
You can do this program if you’re out of shape.
You can do this program if you have bad posture.
You can do this program if your body doesn’t feel flexible at all.
You can do this program if you have a very busy schedule—each stretching session takes only 10 minutes or less to complete.
You can do this program if you have irregular working hours or an unusual job—these simple and easy movements can be done before work, during work, or after work.
You can do this program if you hate working out and exercising, because these easy, gentle stretches aren’t really even a workout. You’ll probably never even break a sweat doing this program!
The only person this program is NOT for, is someone looking for an instant fix. There is no such thing as an instant fix for reversing the damage of sitting too much. This program takes some work on your part and takes some time to get the results you want, but the good news is: it doesn’t take very long.
Why This Program Might
NOT Work For You...
Because nothing works for everyone.
That’s just life.
BUT... ask yourself this question:
Is it worth a one-time payment of $19.95 (that you’ll get back if you don’t get the results you want)...
...and 10 minutes a day (or less)…
...to see what this program can actually do for you?
Like I said, nothing works for everyone...
But, what if this DOES work for YOU?
What if this program ACTUALLY DID reverse the damage that sitting is doing, and has already done to your body?
What if this program ACTUALLY DID eliminate your excruciating back pain, neck pain and shoulder pain?
What if this program ACTUALLY DID improve your posture and give you relief from headaches?
What if this program ACTUALLY DID increase your energy throughout the day and make you feel so much better than you do now?
Isn’t it worth it to at least find out?...
...especially since you have no risk?
You Have To Be One Of The First 50 People
To Try The 10 Gentle Chair Yoga Poses to Undo the Damage of Sitting All Day Program To
Get It For Just One Payment Of $19.95
AND Get The Free Bonus Video Training...
AND Get The Free Special Coaching Package...
AND Get Free Lifetime Updates!
(Regular Price = $37)
(Comes with 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee. No questions. No hassles.)
Get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the digital version of the 10 Gentle Chair Yoga Poses to Undo the Damage of Sitting All Day program
Right after you order, you can access the full digital version of the program and download it all onto any computer or mobile device. And you get lifetime access to everything 24/7/365.
(Regular Retail Price = $37)
No thanks, I will pass on this ONE-TIME ONLY OFFER… and I realize I will never have this opportunity again.
- Regardless of which option you select above, you will get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the entire 10 Gentle Chair Yoga Poses to Undo the Damage of Sitting All Day program, immediately after you place your order.
- Only the first 50 people who order will get these discounted prices and the BONUSES. I’m offering the special discounted price of $19.95 and the 3 bonuses to the first 50 people who order so I can get this first video version of this program into the hands of a big group of people, and get some quick feedback, so I can keep improving the program, but after the first 50 people order, the prices go back up and the bonuses disappear!
- This program comes with a 60-DAY, 100% MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE. So… get this program now and just try it out! You have a full 60 days to go through everything, and see what results you get. If you’re not happy for any reason, let us know within 60 days of your purchase date and we’ll gladly refund the full purchase price… AND you can keep the entire program (and the 3 bonuses) as my gift, just for trying it out!
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